Pots, Pans, Scrap Metal & Street Beats – Meet Dario Rossi

Battered scraps of rusty metal, plastic buckets, beaten up old pots and pans, heavy chains…you name it, the man can play it. Dario Rossi, born in Rome in 1988 has been drumming since he was just 10 years old and boy does this man know his way around a tin can!

He begins his studies at the Accademia Musicale di Ariccia in Rome and by age 12 is playing in local bands and has won the Festival Degli. The years following see him win countless contests, a number of professional partnerships and performances in Bars, Clubs, Historical Theatres and world renowned stages across Italy.

He has since opened his own Studio where he teaches drums and rhythmic solfège in his experimental percussion laboratory and now hosts “Tu si que Vales” an Italian TV talent show but his focus is still on reaching the masses through his hypnotic street performances.

His busy tour schedule means one week you can find him sitting on the sandy beaches of Barcelona and the next on cobblestones in Amsterdam or the Graffiti’d streets of Berlin, a Piazza in Rome or a stage in Brussels filling our ears with the incredible cocktail of beats that are made with none other than what most would consider garbage.

Dario Rossi

Pots, Pans, Scrap Metal & Street Beats – Meet Dario Rossi

We’ve included just a handful of some of these incredible dance-worthy performances but if you really want to get up close and personal and cant quite scrape together the 2K you’ll need for a plane ticket from down under you can follow his daily travels here on his Facebook Page.

Hats off to you Dario, we’ll happily raid our kitchen of every last pot, pan and wok to see you in OZ sometime real soon!

Damsquare in Amsterdam, Netherlands


Dario Rossi live @ Alexander Platz, Berlin


Piazza Del Popolo, Rome, Italy.
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